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What is the arbitrum Foundation?

The Arbitrum Foundation was created in 2021 and is based in Switzerland. Its mission is to support the development and adoption of the Arbitrum protocol by providing grants, education, and community support. The foundation is funded by donations from individuals and organizations that support the growth of the Ethereum ecosystem.

What is arbitrum & how does it work?

Arbitrum is a layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that was developed by Offchain Labs, a blockchain research and development company. The Arbitrum protocol enables faster and cheaper transactions on the Ethereum blockchain by moving most of the transaction processing off-chain.

Is arbitrum ready to decentralize?

Armed with battle-tested infrastructure, Arbitrum is ready to decentralize and The Arbitrum Foundation will distribute voting power via the ARB token. This token gives the community control in shaping the very foundation and future of Arbitrum and Ethereum. The Arbitrum DAO will be controlled by no single entity.

Is arbitrum a layer 2 solution?

As a Layer 2 solution based on the Ethereum blockchain, Arbitrum actually has two separate networks - Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova. These two networks run in parallel to support Arbitrum’s development as a whole. Arbitrum One uses optimistic rollup, while Arbitrum Nova uses AnyTrust technology, which is derived from the rollup technology.

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